Growing Together To Be Our Best
Here you will find out all the exciting things Year 6 have been up to during the week. We will also post useful websites to help you with your homework.
Don't forget to log on to active learn to complete your Maths Homework.
A Year 6 Workshop, is taking place in the school hall on Wednesday 30th September at 2.30pm. We will be suggesting ways to help your child at home during this important year and giving you some information and teaching strategies to take away with you.
Year 6 will be leading this year's Harvest Festival on the 16th October. All Year 6 parents/carers/grandparents welcome.
Make sure you dress up on 25th September for Roald dahl day. We will be doing lots of fun activities and our class will be studying the book 'Boy'.
School Council Elections have taken place. Well done to all the candidates that put themselves forward.