Growing Together To Be Our Best
Welcome to the Reception Class Homepage
A warm welcome to all our new parents and reception children. We hope that you have settled in to the school routine well and that all the children are happy and are enjoying school life.
There are lots of fun and exciting things in store for the Autumn Term, keep an eye out on here for more details and pictures of all the fun we have here at Millbank. We will also be tweeting our progress weekly, follow us @Milbankprimary
The Spring Term is here and our new topic is Hey Diddle Diddle, more information will be given on our Curriculum Overview, which will follow shortly.
We have had a fabulous week back after the Christmas Holidays.
We have been practising our sounds, letter formation and numbers, written thank you letters to Santa and we have been writing our names on our handprints ready to go onto our Friendship Tree. We have also been having lots of fun outside, finding our way through the maze and building castles.
Next week we will be carrying on with our sound work and covering sounds f and e.
Please can Oxford Reading Tree books be brought to school EVERY DAY from now on. We would like to have them in school so that if an opportunity arises to hear your child read, we can do so. All other books from our class library can be brought in every Friday.
Sounds for next week are l and h. Please look for things in and around the home that begin with these sounds. The rhymes for these sounds are:
l - Down the long leg
h - Down the head to his hooves and over his back
The school nurse has been in today (Thursday 14.01.16) and will complete her screening next Thursday.
Check out our Twitter account tomorrow afternoon for our Superstar Awards.
Week beginning 18.01.16
What a fantastic week we have had this week!
We had a great time learning about length in our numeracy, we have written a lovely story about The Pizza Princess in our Topic books and we have had lots of fun making giants with the popoids.
We have also made some food for The Three Little Pigs with salt dough and have been sorting sounds in our intervention groups.
Next week`s sounds are sh and r. Have a look around the house and see what objects begin with these sounds.
Polite Notice
Please can you come to our reception door to pick up your child when their name is called at the end of each day. We operate a hand-over system to ensure the safety of your children.
If for some reason your child needs to be collected by someone other than yourself or a child of high school age, the school must be informed prior to this.
Thank you.
Week beginning Monday 25.01.16
We have worked really hard this week with our numeracy, sounds and reading. Well done!
On Tuesday, we had a visit from Claire from Dogs Trust. We talked about how we look after animals and the right things to do/not to do if we see a dog we don't know. We really enjoyed it.
Next week's sounds are j and v. Please have a look at home or out and about to see if you can find objects beginning with these sounds.
READING BOOKS - If your child has an Oxford Reading Tree book with words, please ask your child to read the words out of context - i.e. write them down out of order, on a separate piece of paper for them to read. This will ensure that they can read the word without relying on the sentence the word is in.
PE - Please remember PE kit is to be brought in EVERY TUESDAY. Children must wear their PE kit to school EVERY FRIDAY.
IMPORTANT NOTICE - If you have not paid snack money for this term or last term, please do so by Monday 1st February. After half term if your child wants snack, they will be going to the School Tuck Shop to purchase fruit or water. This will cost 25p for fruit or 30p for water.
Have a fantastic weekend.
Week beginning Monday 08/02/16
We have had such a busy week, we have started our artwork and creative writing for the Eisteddfod.
Our descriptions of dragons have been amazing. We have thought of so many fabulous adjectives.
We have taken our time painting daffodils and they look amazing too.
Please check your child's book bag for an activity pack from The Welsh Government. Please take your time to read through the leaflet and do the activity with your child. There is also a homework sheet for our class, so please check this too.
POLITE REMINDER - if your child requires snack/tuck, you can provide this yourself or it can be provided from our Tuck Shop. Only items of fruit and water are allowed at tuck time.
We have had an amazing day today and School Council would like to say a BIG THANK YOU for all the money raised from today's events.
Have a lovely half-term.
w/b Monday 22.02.16
We had a very busy week finishing off our Eisteddfod work, writing our addresses on envelopes and practising our sounds and numbers.
w/b 29.02.16
We had a lovely St David's Day and we all dressed up. Some children won points for their house for coming first, second or third for creative writing, handwriting or their art work. We also had a few winners in class for making items for the home task art competition.
Thursday was a fantastic day too and what fabulous costumes. Thank you for all of your efforts.
We really enjoyed making wands and writing wishes this week, when we learnt our new sound w.
We will be revisiting the sound th and also learning z.
Please continue to go over doubles to ten and bonds of five.
REMINDER - Please can book bags be brought in EVERY DAY.
REMEMBER Parent's Evening will be Tuesday 8th March and Wednesday 9th March.
Happy Mother's Day and have a good weekend!
Week Beginning Monday 7th March 2016
We have had great fun weighing, following instructions and decorating our gingerbread men.
We started our 3D Shape Hunt in the school environment and will be continuing with this next week.
Our sound work this week has been sorting th and non th words in our books and forming z as a rainbow letter. Can you please reinforce these sounds at home. We need to remember that z has straight lines not curved lines like number two.
Next week we will be looking at the sound ch, writing ingredient lists from making our gingerbread men, creating a storyboard of the gingerbread man and looking at height.
Week beginning Monday 14th March 2016
There will be no new sound next week as we will be carrying out assessments on sound recognition, letter formation and number.
We will also be making lots of fun things for Easter.
The Easter Bonnet Parade will take place on Thursday 24th March 2016.
Monday 11th April 2016
Welcome back after the Easter holidays.
This term our topic will be The Secret Garden.
So far this week we have written our news on a postcard, looked at sources of light and ordered numbers to 20.
We have had lots of fun playing and working outside in the sunshine, planting seeds, looking for mini beasts and exploring seeds inside fruit.
Next week we will be looking and 1 more and 1 less, planting cress seeds and sorting vegetables, fruit and plants.
Friday 22nd April 2016
We have had lots of fun and an amazing time at Techniquest today. Please see our Twitter account for pictures.
This week, we have planted our Cress Heads and also kept a Diary of them growing, looked at one more/one less and have been re-telling the story of The Gingerbread Man.
Can you please remember to bring Book Bags into School EVERYDAY. There are children that haven't done so for more than one week. It is important that your children reads regularly and books are changed weekly.
Monday 25th April 2016
This week we will be revising digraphs th and sh, continuing with our Cress Diary and continuing re-telling the story of The Gingerbread Man.
Friday 29th April 2016
We have enjoyed making lovely egg and cress sandwiches with Mrs Garcia, we used the cress we have grown and we have started to make seed packets and labels ready to go in to our Garden Centre.
Next week will be looking at the concept of time, sequencing the day, planting beans and making a photo diary of them growing.
We will also be looking at the book Jasper's Beanstalk.
Tuesday 03.05.16
We hope everyone had a lovely Bank Holiday and we are ready for another fun filled week of learning.
This week we have been looking at things that are heavier and lighter and weighing them, have had fun with our clocks using them to play 'What's the time Mr Wolf?' and we have been sequencing the times of the day in our books.
We have been experimenting with beans, some have been placed in a dark place (with and without water), some are in the daylight (with and without water). We will keep checking the beans to find out what they need to grow.
Next week we will be reviewing our work on digraphs, continuing looking at time and looking at the story The Tiny Seed.
Now that the weather is improving, can you please ensure that your child brings a water bottle in to either keep in class or take home daily (with their name on), a sunhat and (weather dependent) sun cream is applied before school. If your child is able to put sun cream on themselves, they can bring sun cream to school to do so.
Friday 13th May 2016
REMINDER - Book bags need to come into school daily, spellings are every Wednesday and your child needs to bring in a water bottle, a sun hat and sun cream.
Please remember to fill in your forms for the end of year trip to Wiggleys Farm on Tuesday 12th July 2016.
The cost of the trip is £11.00. Payments must be paid in full by Wednesday 8th July 2016.
Next week we will be continuing looking at time and digraphs.
Friday 20th May 2016
We have been busy this week learning about keeping safe in the sun. We have also designed some lovely t-shirts and sunglasses. We have been thinking about what we would need to pack in a bag to go to the beach and stay sun safe. The gel bags have been great fun for us to practise formation of letters and numbers and we have been cutting herbs to develop our motor control. Ask your child if they can tell you an o'clock time.
Friday 27th May 2016
We had a surprise letter this week from Percy The Park Keeper asking for our help. He wanted us to help him with what a plant needs to grow. So, we put together an irrigation watering system to see if we could water the plants outside our class. We have also been planting flowers and potatoes. We then worked collaboratively to reply to Percy's letter saying that plants need water, soil, sun, and nutrients to grow.
This afternoon we will be having great fun with our marathon (weather dependent) So we will all be very tired at home time.
Have a great Half-term and please read your books and practise your spellings ready for next term.
Monday 06.06.2016
Hope you are all feeling re-freshed after half-term and ready for the last run of this academic year.
This week we have been very busy looking at symmetry, making symmetry paintings and sorting w and non w pictures.
We have been looking at the book The Very Hungry Caterpillar and have been making and tasting our vegetable caterpillars and have also been making a pasta life cycle of a caterpillar.
We will be having our own Sports Day - details to follow.
Thursday 23.06.16
Diary Dates :-
Friday 1st July at 1.30pm - our Sports Day in the muga
Thursday 7th July at 10am - Class Assembly
Tuesday 12th July - School Trip (can payments be made as soon as possible for the trip please)
Any outstanding lunch money needs to be paid to the office as soon as possible please and all up to date by the end of term.
Can you please ensure your child brings their book bag, a sun hat, water bottle and (weather dependent) sun cream is applied/brought to school daily. (SUNCREAM can either applied before school or if your child is able to do so themselves, it can be brought to school (clearly labelled with their name) for them to apply as needed).
Friday 15th July 2016
We have had a fabulous week on our trip to Wiggleys Farm, seeing our caterpillars hatch into 5 beautiful butterflies (which were released today) and watching the Nursery children graduate.
Please can you return all reading books/reading records and library books as soon as possible.
The Foundation Phase will be having their parties on the afternoon of Tuesday 19th July (letters have been sent home asking for donations of food to be brought in on Tuesday). Thank you in advance for this.
Wednesday 20th July will be Toy Day. Can you please ensure your child brings in a sensible toy as they will be responsible for them and we will be finishing school on Wednesday at 1.30pm.
Have a great weekend - see you Monday.
Wednesday 20th July 2016
We would like to say a HUGE THANK YOU to you all for our beautiful cards and gifts. It has been a real pleasure teaching your children and watching them grow.
We wish you all a very happy and safe Summer Holiday.
Reception Staff