
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Leaver's Assembly

Leavers assemblies are always a strange mixture of pride that seven years at Millbank has produced such lovely children coupled with sadness that they are leaving. We have added a few photos from their time in the infants to remind us all of the great times that we have had and how much they have grown. They also had lots of teachers, students and helpers such as Mrs Lemon & Miss LewisMiss Carr, Mr Holdham, Mrs Mulchay, Mrs Burnett over the years who remember them with great affection too.


The pupils produced a series of sketches based on the "Big Brother" reality show.

Unfortunately I was at the hospital so missed the assembly and have not got a clue what the pictures are about- maybe we can get some comments from the children later on. Do not forget mums and dads is you have any nice pictures you want to share please send them along.


The awards ceremony is the most important part of the year and a closely guarded secret.


The title Victor Ludorum literally means "the winner of the games. " in latin, but at Millbank the title is award to the most outstanding pupil academically and socially too, the female version is the Victrix Ludorum. Because of the very high standards at Millbank they are not always awarded each year but it is testimony to just how nice the children are that we felt that we needed to award distinction certificates too, as there were so many lovely pupils.

In a similar fashion many of the children could have won the Nicola Howell's Cup awarded to the most caring pupil because there are so many nice children in this year. But a well done to the winner.

Many parents still recall Mr Thorn -the head teacher before Miss Allen joined us- with great affection. He was at the school a long time before he became head and left funds for the most improved award. Given to the pupil who has worked extra hard and shown improvement.


This has also been another very successful year for sporting achievement. We have been very lucky with the support and dedication of parents like Mr Boots and staff like Mr Vaughan and Miss Hargadon who give up so much of their time to help coach the children.



As if it was sad enough saying goodbye to class 6 their student teacher Miss Davies was finishing as was the lovely Miss Nicholson, we will miss them very much but like class 6 we know that they will do well in the future.

Well done Class 6 you are lovely children a credit to the school and a credit to your parents, remember the school motto in all you do which will not be easy as your best is going to be a lot better than most.

You can see a few other leavers service for 20072006 2004 and 2003.
