
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

* Day For Change

Fast becoming one of the most important events in the school year is the UNICEF DAY FOR CHANGE in which the pupils themselves in the form of the Ambassadors and School Council choose what they want to change in our world and then raise funds and awareness to tackle that problem. This year with the visit to our partner school in Kenya the children wanted to help provide them with a hot nutritious mid day meal.

They have been doing a lot of work on the UNCRC and everyone seems to know at least a few children's Rights. As we have been doing a lot since 2005 on the Campaign for Global Education article 28 and 29 of the UNCRC are high on the list of Rights known by the children. Article 24 includes mention of the need for nutritious food and clean drinking water.

Because of a rise in food prices it has been increasingly difficult to provide a good quality nutritious mid day meal to the pupils at the AMAF school whilst a £100 would not feed many children here in the UK for long, but in Kenya this made a big impact. And that is what the day is about it is about making a difference being "the change" (the children love the quote "You must be the change you want to see in the world" by Mahatma Gandhi.)

Last year everyone loved the dressing up day so this year they simply adapted it into "Wear your KIT FOR KENYA." and encouraged pupils to wear their favourite sports kit and pay a £1 fine. A simple action there was no disruption of our own education, no fuss but a lot of fun. The children write letters to their pen-pals at the school and can hear first hand the impact that their money had from the pupils.

We revisited Article 24 later on in the term too and worked with Trelai Primary to buy a water tank for the AMAF school so that they could have fresh drinking water when they needed it.

During the Assembly Miss Allen reminded the children about the importance of helping others in our community and in our world. In keeping with Article 28 on the Right to Education We looked at the 140 pencil cases full of pencils, sharpeners, rubbers etc that would be given to the pupils at the AMAF school. In fact some of the pencil cases donated were so full that Miss Allen and Miss Brown managed to make sure that every one of the 400+ children got a pencil and something else too to help them with their schoolwork.

The Ambassadors also reminded pupils to tell their parents about the SAFER INTERNET DAY presentation the following week.
