Growing Together To Be Our Best
We had all dressed up as book characters as part of National Storytelling week and UNICEF's 'Day for Change'so as we were having a special day anyway the Juniors held their annual SUPERLEARNERS day.
We firmly believe at Millbank that 'we are all good at something', we work really hard to give the children lots of opportunities throughout the year to discover what that is. It might be maths it might be DT, french or photography.... hopefully its lots of different things but once we can engage the children in learning their confidence increases and they often see the reason for working that little bit harder at all their subjects.
On a superlearners day we try and introduce students to new ideas about learning which recognise their own individual 'intelligence strengths' which can help boost student confidence in their own learning. They try various techniques such as mind mapping and how to make notes using colour, guides to helping memory (These are used in all subjects there are some in science you can look at here). More than that we try and reinforce the notion that every child is different, with unique abilities and skills. Our school motto of course is "only our best is good enough", it might not be the same as somebody else but we want each child to achieve their full potential.
A theme which you will find in aspects of the school especially Super Learners Day is that we aim to make learning fun, there is no substitute for hard work but concentrating on the positive aspects by making the work fun certainly helps.
These photographs taken by staff and children (if it is a good photo -it is normally taken by one of the children!) show just some of the many activities carried out throughout the day. Ask your child about what they learnt on Superlearners day get them to tell you about why they need to drink water or avoid a sugar rushes. Ask them about Mindmaps and why do they use colour of drawings in them.
The University of the First Age, was launched by a famous educational expert Sir Tim Brighouse in 1996, it is based on the principle that all young people can experience success in learning. It aims to raise achievement by encouraging youngsters to believe in themselves as "super learners" and promoting "brain based" approaches to learning.
You can see the Superlearners day from 2007 and 2006 or read the Echo article.