
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Eco Flag Award

On Wednesday 23rd June we had our assessment for our Eco Flag, Green Gang answered lots of questions about their work from reducing water and power consumption to campaigning for less litter in the community. Eventually they were told that the were going to be given the Eco Flag Award, to say they were delighted is a bit of an understatement they carried the flag into each classroom and spread the news.

A big well done to Green Gang who coordinated the work and have given up so much of their time to promote various projects and do interviews but everyone in the school has contributed. It is wonderful to see the infants so keen to get the litter pick and tidy up any litter that has blown out of the bin, or watering the crops that they have grown. There are around 1500 schools in Wales that have some level of Eco Award(of which under 250 have the Eco Flag) it is an international initiative set up by the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) in 47 countries around the world. The Welsh Assembly Governments Sustainability Minister Jane Davidson told us that she would like every school in Wales to have the Eco Flag Award

"The Eco-Schools programme is an international initiative that encourages pupils to engage with environmental and sustainable development issues. It provides a highly structured system for the environmental management of schools.

The programme is a learning resource and topic areas include: litter, waste minimisation, transport, healthy living, energy, water, school grounds and global citizenship.

Pupils take key roles in decision making and participation in order to reduce the environmental impact of their school. In this way, Eco-Schools extends learning beyond the classroom and develops responsible citizenship attitudes both at home and in the wider community.

In Wales the programme is managed by Keep Wales Tidy. The Eco-Schools Programme is funded by the Welsh Assembly Government, the Countryside Council for Wales and Waste Awareness Wales."
