
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Year 3

Spring Term Newsletter

Welcome to Blwyddyn Tri!

I am so excited to start, what will be a thrilling and busy year. I look forward to meeting all parents and carers and hope that positive relationships can be built between children’s home and school life.


This term we our topic work will focus on France. As part of this we will be exploring geography of France, the lifestyle of French people as well as looking at the history, art and culture of France. This term will also include a trip to the National Museum so that the children can see French Impressionist art for themselves. Please share any information, experiences or knowledge with us throughout the project.


In English we will be reading James Marvellous Medicine to celebrate the centenary of Roald Dahl. We will also read The Hunchback of Notre Damn and French cookery books as they link with our topic work. The children will be writing in a range of styles this term and we will be focusing on improving the handwriting and spelling of all children across the school.


Maths will continue to be taught through Abacus and Big Maths and the Big Maths test will be on a Friday. Please find opportunities at home for your child to apply their learnt skill to real life situations.


PE - We are lucky to have a newly resurfaced MUGA this year, meaning that there should be fewer disruptions to the children’s PE lessons. Please ensure that your child has the correct clothing on the days needed.


In science this year we will be following a new and exciting scheme of work. This term we will focus Feeding and Movement of living things and Rocks and Soils. The children will be investigating themes and planning their own experiments in these lessons.


Let’s work together for a fantastic year!

Many Thanks

Miss J Broomfield (Pre. Warner)








PE-please ensure appropriate PE kit is brought into school.




PE-please ensure appropriate PE kit is brought into school.


Spelling and Abacus (maths) homework will be due and set.

Please ensure that your child practises their spellings at home throughout the week in preparation for Friday’s test.


Please make sure that your child has plenty of opportunities to read with an adult at home. Reading books, Spelling books and reading records are must be bought in every day.

Children are welcome to bring water bottles, with their name on, to leave in school and refill at the fountain.
