Growing Together To Be Our Best
Green Gang invited our MP to come into school and chat about the 'United Nations Climate Change Conference 2009' and the problems of global warming. So on the 11th December Kevin Brennan MP called in to the school to chat to all the Juniors about what is going in Copenhagen this week. No CaptionThe pupils took some photographs (at bottom of page) and made a few notes. He told us a little bit about the Climate change Conference but as a former teacher he is always happy to help the children learn about the wider issues of government too and answered lots of questions which included:-
Q1: What made you want to be an MP? Kevin said: I wanted to help people, I think that if you want to change things for the better then a good way to start is through campaigning to change things in your community. I thought a good way to do that was by joining a political party I worked hard then got elected as a city councilor for Canton, then going on to be an MP and a minister.
Q2: Is being an MP a good job Kevin said: Yes it is a good job, but people will stop you in the supermarket or anywhere they see and ask you all sorts of questions so you are never off duty
Q3: Was your Father an MP? Kevin said: No my dad was a labourer, he left school in Ireland at 14 without much in the way of qualifications to work on the family's farm. But he was determined that his children would have better options available to them and worked very hard to make sure his children had those opportunities?
Q4: If you had one magic wish to change the world what would it be? Kevin said: To help the poorest in the World, ironically these are the most likely to be affected by climate change and from poor countries that are the least able to deal with the changes
Q5: How many MP's are there? Kevin said: There are 646 Members of Parliament or MP's in the House of Commons these are all elected, but several thousand people are there working and helping all the MP's.
Q6: Do you get paid well? Kevin said: Yes I get well paid and as a government minister I get extra money for the additional work. Of course there has been a lot in the papers about MP's expenses too.
Q7: Do you think we need more laws to prevent 'climate change'? No CaptionKevin said: There are lots of ways to tackle it through education and getting people used to recycling. But have a look at the pile of packaging and wrapping that gets thrown out after you have opened all your Christmas presents: Compare it to the presents you actually got- which is the bigger pile? We are throwing away too much as a country. ... Remember to recycle your paper and christmas cards!
Q8: Do you think some people are right to say that there is no such thing as Global Warming? No CaptionKevin said: The evidence that the planet is heating up is pretty conclusive,but it is the cause of that warming that is debated? Especially how much man has contributed to the warming with industrialisation pollution and cutting down rainforests.
Q9: Have you worked with Rhodri Morgan our Assembly Member on Climate Change? Kevin said: Yes Before I became an MP I used to work as Rhodri's assistant so we have always worked well together on many issues.
Q10: Have you met President Obhama? No CaptionKevin said: No not yet, but I would like to. I have met ex-President Bill Clinton and ex-President Jimmy Carter.
Q11: Have you met Gordon Brown? Kevin and Gordon Brown with Millie BanksKevin said: As an Member of Parliament I see him every week in the house of commons, but I also work for him as a minister too. This is one the photograph Kevin took for us with our Mascot Millie Banks with Gordon Brown
Q12: What is the best part of being an MP? Kevin said: Helping other people?
Q13: What qualities do you think you need to be an MP? Kevin said: Energy and enthusiasm- you are always on duty; You also need good People Skills to listen and understand people problems and a 'thick skin' helps too. Highlight for Album: SPORTS RELIEF DAY The popular/cynical image of a politician is someone who turns up at school just for a good photo opportunity ahead of elections just for their benefit. We are quite lucky to have a Member of Parliament who takes a real interest in his constituency and visit all the schools in the area not just to tell people about what he does but to listen too.
Visits have included answering some questions for interview club in Nov 2008, No Captionand called in on May 2008 on Sports Relief Day. We visited Kevin at the houses of Parliament in Feb 2007 where he showed us around, he came to the summer fayre and opened the new garden in 2006, He presented our one of the Basic Skills Quality marks in June 2005 he also called in on Dec 2005 On the old website there are lots of other photos too where he told the children about Global Education and worked with them to make buddies. sadly all those photos and those right back to Kevin at the centenary celebrations were lost by the Council who host the website last year we hope they will put them back online soon. Kevin's own website is here you can find out more about him at do not forget his band MP4 and the all good work that they do raising money for charity.
You can look at his ministerial work at the Department for schools children and families and the Department for Business Innovation and Skills You can find out more about Parliament at the website and take a quiz even play a few games. You can find out about the Prime Ministers office at there is lots to explore on both these sites. Parliament The British Parliament is made up of three parts - the Crown, the House of Lords and the House of Commons. Parliament is where new laws are debated and agreed. Parliament should not be confused with the Government, although Members of the Government are also usually Members of Parliament. However another responsibility of Parliament is to scrutinise what the Government does. A Parliament is the period of parliamentary time between one general election and another which differs from a parliamentary session.