
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

* P for Popcorn

Dosbarth Mari Jones have been looking at the sound 'P' so Miss Clissold took us into the staffroom to listen to the Pop pop of some pop corn cooking in the microwave.

Miss reminds us that like all ovens and cookings in the kitchen we need to be careful and only an adult should use the microwave. Miss places a special pack of microwave popcorn on the plate, its small and flat. She turns on the microwave and we all listen. First we hear one pop and wait a few seconds till the next but the rate of popping noise increases.

We all said the sound 'puh' sound as it pops till we can hardly get the letter out quick enough and then Miss Clissold stops the microwave and takes the bag out. It has changed shape, no longer small and flat the pack is big and bulging.

Miss carefully holds the bag and points out the steam escaping so we know it must be very hot.

Before we get to eat our popcorn we need to wash our hands first. then we sit on the carpet back in our classroom as we have our drinks. Miss hands out the bowl and we all say "diolch" or "Thank you" as we take some.

It is very nice but very messy.

We did lots of other activities as we do every week with our letters and their sounds. We also have a Pyjama party, and made healthy Pittas.
