Growing Together To Be Our Best
This term, we are focusing on developing our handwriting and our confidence with writing. We are liking our writing to our topic of health and well-being, and we will be writing positive affirmations, words of wisdom, and any worries we may have. We will also be looking at what makes us happy, and writing recipes for our 'jar of happiness'.
We have daily phonics sessions in the morning, where we focus on a sound a day. During this session, we practise saying the sound, forming it and recognising it in words.
We will listen to your child read individually and as part of a guided group reading session. We will focus on children breaking down the sounds in words (decoding) and then putting them together (blending) and reading the word (segmenting). It is very important that you listen to your child read every day.
We follow 'Talk for Writing' approach, where the children will learn a text genre off by heart, based on the idea that the children can internalise vocabulary and structure to help with their own writing.