
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Infants Decorating

Children learn a lot when they are just having fun and decorating cakes was just one of the many activities that were going on with the infant classes this afternoon. Of course the first thing we did before we handle any food is to give our hands a good wash with soap.

All we did was decorate some fairy cakes. But we counted the number of Jelly tots we used, we counted the chocolate drops (luckily we did not have to count the hundreds and thousands) some of us used the same colours some made patterns even faces with the decorations. Of course we found out that the bits only stuck to the moist icing sugar, as it dried its properties changed and became less sticky.

We had to choose our name from a long list of stickers which we then put on the plastic bag. The children also like using the digital camera and many of the pictures below were taken by the children - they are clever.
