
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Heart Start

On Tuesday 8th June Martyn and Stacey came in and told the whole school about HEARTSTART and throughout the day classes went into the hall to watch small movie clips, listen to Martyn and then practice the simple EMEREGENCY LIFE SAVING SKILLS( ELSS)


Martyn is a trainer for the local Ambulance Service, the scheme is available free to all schools, youth groups and is a partnership between the NHS, Heath Hospital and the Welsh Ambulance service and is affiliated with the British Heart Foundation.


You can see when some pupils visited the British Heart FoundationShop opening in Canton when they wanted to investigate recycling. There are lots of links there about the work of the BHF too and why it is important to support their work. There are also tips about keeping our hearts healthy by preparing healthy lunchboxes for school. Mrs Meyrick ran the First Aid Club at Millbank which was always popular.


There are some nice simple videos and clips about emergency life saving skills at the British Red Cross webpage. Another really important organisation is St John Ambulance who many will recognise at football matches and major events. If you have enjoyed learning these important skills why not take it further and join something like St John Ambulance?


The NHS Direct helpline offers advice on non urgent medical conditions.
