Growing Together To Be Our Best
Green Gang have been doing a lot of work regarding plastic recycling and in particular HDPE milk cartons which they have used to make a variety of sculptures from Peace Doves, Bats to Gas Masks. Just ahead of Halloween they started making their own SKULLptures too.
The designs came from the pupils themselves experimenting (and indeed playing) with the shapes made by cutting up the milk cartons for the giant spider sculpture. Mr Jones just drew up their designs -to share with other schools- they then made these designs their own again when they made them.
The plastic bottles may be the same but just like the children each "SKULLpture" is unique. They added their own elements like crowns, horns and eyes. Of course all this is done by the children in their own time from reception through to year 6. If they give up 10 minutes of football it must be fun. They all brought in the bottles and helped each other make some great masks & "SKULLptures" well done we are proud of you.Lets make a song and Dance about just how creative the children are!
The Really Rubbish Campaign is a good Cardiff Council scheme which aims to tell all the schools about recycling and other environmental issues. Just before our Halloween Party they ran a small competition to design an outfit from recycled material. So with a few extra milk bottles and elastic bands it was easy enough to make a few extra bones for a complete outfit. We have to say that the two lads who entered the competition did a great job, not just in making the outfit but taking the photographs below.
Once you know how easy it is for everyone to recycle plastic like HDPE which can be used over and over again, together with the fact that its made from a finite resource like oil. Please recycleYou realise that skulls and spiders are just not as scary as throwing away such a resource! So PLEASE PLEASE HELP RECYCLE by washing out bottles and making sure that plastic do not go in the waste bins. ln the Ely area we put glass, cans, newspaper and plastics alltogether in a green bag which gets collected every other week. This is then separated and sorted at Lamby Way so it can be recycled.
Why not have a go at making a SKULLpture yourself, any size bottle will do from a little one Pint to a 3 Litre. All you need is some scissors and a little imagination.
Have a look at spider sculpture and see why we chose to make one and we chose to make it from HDPE milk bottles. You can see how the children made a dragon sculpture for their St Davids Day display from old cardboard boxes, old red backing paper. Being used to craft he infants even made the sharp pointy teeth by sawing old pencils
Mrs Brown & Mrs BurnettThe Really Rubbish Team team get their message out with the Road Safety Team in the form of some fabulous performers that visit all the schools. You can see when Jugglestruckvisited us in 2009, the Gregory Brothers in 2008 and the Splott Brothers in 2005.
The team have also visited to help us learn about thinks like composting last year so we coul give out details to the community in events like the Community Garden Day.
click to visit the LambysAt present a there are a lot of blanks and a lot of the earlier work we did including Recycling is still on the old website which the Council lost last year, we are of course trying to get them back up.