Growing Together To Be Our Best
A welcome from our Headteacher,
Croeso cynnes!
It is a great pleasure to welcome you to this website, either as a parent or carer with a pupil in our school, or, as a prospective parent looking to choose the right school for your child. Our motto is "Growing together to be our best" which underpins our commitment and dedication to achieving excellence in all areas of school life. We are privileged to be situated in a strong and committed community who care about their children and want the very best for them in terms of learning, experiences and wellbeing.
The governors and staff are very proud of our school and hope that you find this website useful. Its purpose is to provide an insight into our school, a flavour of school life and our values; to convey important information, and to celebrate the excellent work produced by pupils and staff.
I hope that our website will aid communication and that you will find it both useful and informative. If there is anything you would like to see included please let us know.
Choosing the right school for your child is vitally important. We all want the best education for our children, but we also want our children to be safe, happy and secure. We believe we offer all these things.
We place great emphasis on developing a strong partnership between home and school as it is through working together that we can provide the very best for our children.
I believe we are an extremely effective and friendly school and all the staff are committed to preparing your child for a lifelong journey of discovery and learning.
We hope that you enjoy your visit to our website, and that you find the information you are looking for. Please feel free to contact the school direct with any queries you may have.
Catherine Cooper
Head teacher