Growing Together To Be Our Best
This year we are participating in The Pori Drwy Stori Rhyme Challenge. We have 5 English and 5 Welsh rhymes that we need to learn before the end of the Autumn Term. We will focus on 1 rhyme a week for the next 10 weeks and at the end of the 10 weeks you will be invited in for a performance, where we will perform all 10 rhymes for you. Next week your child will be coming home with a rhyme card, which will have the words to all 10 rhymes on. The idea is that you can also help your child to practise each rhyme at home. Below is the order in which we will be learning each rhyme.
Wk Beginning 02/10/17 - Five little speckled frogs
WK Beginning 09/10/17 - Tri broga boliog Bbaf
WK Beginning 16/10/17 - Heads and shoulders, knees and toes
WK Beginning 23/10/17 - Dau gi bach
WK Beginning 06/11/17 - Incy wincy spider
WK Beginning 13/11/17 - Mi welais jac-y-do
Wk Beginning 20/11/17 - 1,2,3,4,5
WK Beginning 27/11/17 - Mae gen i dypyn o dy bach twt
WK Beginning 04/12/17 - Hickory dickory dock
Wk Beginning 11/12/17 - Pum crocodeil
To listen to any of these songs go on the website