
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Health and Wellbeing

As a school, the children's health and well being is of paramount importance. We have daily exercise and mindfulness sessions ever day, and plenty of opportunities to reflect on the day and discuss how we are feeling.

We tie in health and well being links into our termly topics and ensure pupil voice is at the forefront of our planning.


This term, we are looking at our mental and emotional well being, and we can 'be well', discussing what makes us happy and sad, and using stories like Only One You to focus on our individualities, what makes us special, and how we can look after ourselves and others around us.


On 'Feel Good Friday' (every Friday), the children will experience a new skill (e.g. gardening), be given the opportunity to connect with the community and help others (e.g. making cards for the elderly), discuss thoughts and feelings and carry out activities which will encourage a healthy lifestyle and helping the planet.
