Growing Together To Be Our Best
Exploring Early Man.
At the start of the topic the children discussed what they would like to find out, learn and discover. Overall, the children came up with a variety of creative ideas which were considered when planning. As class we gain lot of knowledge and understanding about the stone age up until the Romans.
Blwyddyn 3 always enjoy working as a team and sharing their ideas during Pupil voice activities.
All the children were encouraged to research independently at home and in school on our topic. One child brought in an amazing book about the Romans which we enjoyed looked at as a class and finding out many new facts.
Blwyddyn 3 thoroughly enjoy getting creative!! Putting their skills to the test they solved mathematical problems to create fantastic Roman mosaic art.
Year 3 really enjoy maths are very proud of their achievements.English
Year 3 have been looking into Playscripts. As a class we discussed how plays are read, written and structured. We identified all the features, had a go at writing our own plays, and performed our very own Millbank Roman Radio play.The Roman Invasion
Year 3 looked at a lot of different evidence and maps showing how the Roman Empire expanded.
After learning about the Roman Invasions, we put our skills together to perform a radio play explain how the Romans entered Britian.
Stone Age Diet
Year 3 found it very interesting to find out what the Stone Age people ate. Blwyddyn 3 used some fantastic adjectives to create very interesting Stone Age and modern menus!
Christmas Fun
Year 3 had a very naughty visitor in the classroom! Elvis the Elf!! But they all turned into investigators and found out where he had been causing mischief in the school to be able to create a dairy entry to help Santa.