Growing Together To Be Our Best
Our 'novel-driver' for the Autumn term is The Smeds and the Smoos
'Pause Point'
"You must never ever play with the Smoos, they're such a nasty shade of blue"
"You must never ever play with the Smeds, they are such a nasty tint of red".
We started off by celebrating our differences and a lot of discussion about our rights, equality, fairness and being kind to one another.
Then we looked at the terms 'shade' and 'tint', and what these mean. We learned that a 'shade' is when you add black to a colour and a 'tint' is when you add white to a colour.
We explored artists which use colours in their work and discovered the abstract artist, Kandinsky. We found out that he listened to music whilst painting and painted straight, zig-zag lines and shapes with sharp edges when he felt angry and smooth circles and curvy lines when feeling calm. So we gave this a go ourselves:
Pause Point
Janet met Bill in the Wurpular Wood,
where the Trockles grew tall
and the Glompoms smelt good.
We noticed that the Smeds and the Smoos story was full of nonsense and rhyming words. We looked at other nonsense poems and loved Spike Milligan's 'On the Ning, Nang, Nong'. We thought about the rhythm and syllables of this poem and wrote our own.