
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Year 4

Year 4 DT project - Design a make a tarte au citron.

In Science this term we have been learning about light. We took advantage of the sun shining to get outside and investigate how shadows are formed. Ask us what we found out.
In RE this term we have been learning about Pentecost. We focussed on the life of the disciple Peter and created comic strips to show the main events of his life.
On Friday 20th March we held a Science day where pupils across the school participated in many science activities. In Key Stage 2 pupils visited 4 themed areas as the day progressed. These included a floating and sinking station, a materials station, a sound and light station and a forces station. In each of these areas we took part in demonstrations and investigations. Year 4 had so much fun that they documented their day. Look at the fun that we had!

Year 4's Spring Term Newsletter

Year 4 had a very fun day at Llancaiach Fawr

An Allegory of the Tudor Succession - During our trip to the National Museum of Wales we researched this very famous Tudor portrait. On return to school we studied the picture more carefully and reached conclusions about why each Monarch has been painted in each position.

Mrs Evans was really impressed with our group work as we worked together to research all of Henry V111's wives. Ask us about some of the interesting facts that we found out.

As part of our electricity topic in Science we experimented with different things in the classroom to make our own switches to use in a circuit. We were amazed at the things that worked.

Following on from our trip to St Fagans and our Tudor Clothing workshop Class 5 transformed themselves into Tudors. We looked at persuasive language and different types of adverts and used what we had learnt to create our own adverts. Mrs Evans was very impressed by the finished products. What do you think?

Class 5's Tudor Clothing Adverts

Year 3 and 4's fun filled day at St Fagans

Class 5 are getting ready to write their own story with a historical setting. To give us experience of this type of writing we have been reading a range of different books. The first story that we read was the Prince, the Cook and the Cunning King by Terry Deary. We found this story hilarious. Why don't you ask us about it?


Media of The Prince, The Cook and the Cunning King


The next story that we read was The Queen's Token by Pamela Oakfield. We liked this story so much that we finished it in 1 day.


Media of The Queen's Token


Our enthusiasm towards these stories has really given Mrs Evans high expectations for our own story writing.

Below are a list of the dates that homework is due in. Remember you will be awarded 2 Class Dojo points for each piece of homework that you return.


Friday 10th October

Friday 24th October

Friday 7th November

Friday 21st November

Friday 5th December

Friday 19th December


Our Tudor homework grid and suggested activities

Our Autumn Term newsletter

Welcome to Year 4


Your teacher will very soon be filling this page with exciting class news, pictures of things we’ve done and more.


Do you have any ideas for this page? Why not let you Teacher know!


Have you seen the Kids’ Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.
