
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Christmas Concerts

One of the nice things about a family friendly school of our size is that everyone has the opportunity to take part in the school concert and get on that stage in front of their parents and friends.

We had two performances for our parents on Thursday 13th December and one for the school. We also had a dress rehearsal and we were delighted to see our friends from Riverbank and the Integrated Children's Centre nursery come along to watch the infants perform. The children were also thrilled when Mrs Morgan and baby Kate popped in to watch them.

There was some lovely performances from the infants.

You can see two videos. One of them singing "Oo whats out there in the snow?" and another song

The Lower Juniors told us about "Mr Partridges amazing performing troupe!" and their performance at Santa's Home.

You can watch a video clip here of the children's counterpoint singing about Mr Partridge's choir.

The Upper Juniors did themselves (and the school) proud with a wonderful performance. The story was loosely based on Snow White and the Seven Dwarves or Seven Jockeys ( I did say loosely based!)

You can watch the video clip here of the Magic Mirror not very tactfully breaking the news to the Evil Queen that Snow White is now the prettier! The second clip is a song about 'Mistletoe' who is going to win the race. (The magic mirror also knows the future- very handy!)


Well no time for a rest yet we went straight into practicing again for the Carol Concert at St Davids church, you can also see us yesterday at St Davids Hall too.

As ever a huge thanks to all the parents and volunteers who came into help with the costumes and props. and of course the children who performed so well

You can see last years concerts in 200620052004or 2003,


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