
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Additional Learning Needs

Additional Learning Needs
Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol



All children and young people who have a disability have the right to special care and education (UNCRC, Article 23) and an education that enables them to fulfill their potential (UNCRC, Article 28-29)


Millbank Primary School is a very inclusive school where all staff are committed to the success of every pupil. All children are valued, respected and welcomed to our school, whatever their needs may be. We support children’s learning and aim to ensure they are fully included in all school activities. Please read on to find out about how we follow the new Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunals (Wales) Act 2018. 



Our motto is:

Growing together to be our best


Which means we do everything we can to help every child be their best, as well as helping them find their talents and strengths. 


The ALNET (Wales) Act

The Welsh Government has passed new legislation called the Additional Learning Needs and Educational Tribunal (Wales) Act, and  the Additional Learning Needs (ALN) Code, which will replace all of the legislation and guidance in relation to special educational needs.

As part of the Additional Learning Needs Educational Tribunal (ALNET) (Wales) Act 2018, the Welsh Government has replaced the term 'special educational needs' (SEN) with 'additional learning needs' (ALN).

However, the definition of ALN is different and you may find that your child currently has an IEP under the new SEN rules, but will not have ALN.  This will not affect the support and extra help your child may have in school.

Under the ALNET (Wales) Act, every school must have an ALNCo – an Additional Learning Needs Co-ordinator. Millbank’s ALNCo is Miss Claire Francis, our deputy head.

If you have any questions, please contact our ALNCo, Miss Claire Francis, on Claire.francis4@cardiff

ALN Parent Guide from the Welsh Government

An ALN Parent Guide for our school region:

ALN Animation for Parents - follow the QR code on the poster

ALN Guidance for Children - follow the QR code on this poster
