
Millbank Primary School

Growing Together To Be Our Best

Warrior Square

On Monday 14th January years 5 and 6 had a performance of a play called "Warrior Square" performed by actors from the famous Theatre Iolo company. Actors Lisa Zahra and Steven Hickman demonstrated their skills by playing several parts, but the story revolved around two children Andrea and Riva and their experiences of being persecuted in their home country for their differences, and their flight to a supposedly civilised country like the UK. The children really empathised with the characters and their experiences.

It would be great to think that this is just a play and that the tolerance and compassion that Great Britain was famous for is still alive.Many kind nice people think that refugees get huge pay outs from the government and free homes and even free cars! The truth is not quite so pleasant. Find out the real facts about refugees in this country by visiting sites

Well Done to Claudia from class 6 for taking all these pictures in difficult lighting conditions (she did not use a flash in case she disturbed the performance).
